Lightning is the number one weather hazard for athletic events. The following guidelines should be used to prevent tragedy from striking your soccer club.
Suspension and resumption of games should be planned for in advance when weather could include lightning. The coaches and referees should discuss the possibility of
Players and spectators should be advised to use SAFE evacuation sites in the event of
Enclosed buildings with substantial construction
Fully enclosed metal vehicles with windows up.
Low ground.
Use the lightning safety motto: “If you see it, flee it; if you hear it; clear it.”
If caught by close-in lightning without immediately available SAFE evacuation site...(if
you can feel your hair standing on end and/or hear crackling noises)...immediately
remove all metal objects, place your feet together, duck your head, and crouch down low.
Once a game has been suspended for weather...wait 30 minutes following the last visible
lightning striker or thunderclap before returning to the field.
UNSAFE SHELTER AREAS: Under bleachers, picnic pavilions, grove of trees, small
structures in open areas. Avoid water, Avoid metal objects, Avoid open fields.
People have been struck by lightning do not carry an electrical charge and are safe to
handle. Apply first aid immediately if you are qualified to do so. Get emergency help promptly.
Please note: these are general guidelines and it is recommended you consult your club’s procedures for lightning for specific guidelines when dealing with weather related hazards.
Players rely on their coaches for just about everything, and that includes safe practice and game fields. It’s the coaches responsibility to make sure goals are properly anchored and the playing surface is safe, no holes or sharp objects. Here are some guidelines for both areas of responsibility.
Portable goals should always be properly secured and anchored. Remember spring winds can blow over an unsecured goal in an instant.
Inspect goals for sharp corners and general integrity (strength).
Instruct all players and parents of the potential dangers associated with movable goals and nets (tipping over).
Forbid any horseplay by players or members of the general public on or around any goal!
Portable goals should only be moved by authorized personnel!
Portable goals should be secured in a safe place when not in use.
Inspect for foreign objects before every practice and game.
Check for holes, ruts and bumps.
Make sure Goals are secure (sand bags, ground pegs).
Observe a three-foot restraining line from the touchline. Remind spectators of this as
Notify your club and field owners of unsafe field conditions in writing.
Do not allow participation by your players until noted hazards have been corrected.
Kiski Area Soccer League Northmoreland Park Markle Road Apollo, Pennsylvania 15613
Email: [email protected]